Tridib Nandy

Hi there. Welcome to my site. Here you can get to know all about me, my personal story and projects I have been and am involved with. I share my experiences here with you about my sovereign life and sovereign existence. Through my sharing, I invite you to take cue and inspiration to explore your own multifaceted and multidimensional aspects of being human.

My Story

Welcome to my inner world, my intimate experiences, my life: an open-book.

I have as far as I can remember been a sovereign being with the idea that learning and education is a sovereign activity. I have never been someone who fits any mould and believe in a human’s sovereign rights to self determination and self-learning.

My life story is a representation of the truths I espouse and live true to.


  • Founder of Deutsche Consultants (first private education consulting company to bring new education opportunities to Indian students wanting to study abroad)

  • Founder of Aeroknights Aviation

  • Founder of Helicop Aviation (Trained India’s first 100 helicopter pilots)

  • Founder of Deutsche Insurance (The first of its kind student health insurance portal)

  • Bitcoin Early Adopter & Pioneer First CBDC Expert and Evangelist : The Palau-Ripple CBDC Project Serial Entrepreneur

  • First to take Blockchain to Pacific Governments

  • Prolific Traveler

  • Lifestyle Entrepreneur Speaker

  • Alternate Medicine Advocate

  • BFI International Ambassador

  • Ex. Cultural Ambassador, Friend/Confidant and Advisor to the Honorary Consul of Spain.

  • Founder, Chief Advisor and Connector of the Palau Digital ID Project for Digital Residency.

  • ADVISOR with SEQUA, a GIZ initiative for Ethiopia.

  • On the Advisory Board of the Ethiopian Web3 Foundation – Advising on Ethiopian Stock Exchange, tokenization and leading Ethiopian blockchain projects.

  • Blog


    This site aims at introducing who I am, my multiple passions, achievements and simply my life story.